Blood type check is a blood type examination procedure that can be done in various health facilities such as hospitals, clinical laboratories, or even health centers. A person's blood type is determined by the presence or absence of several antigens on a person's red blood cells and blood plasma.
In the medical world, the known blood classification system is the ABO system (blood types A, B, AB, and O), and the blood classification system based on Rhesus (Rh positive and Rh negative). Generally, your blood type is also determined by genes that you have inherited from your parents.
Health Benefits of Blood Type Checks
Blood type checks are important for clinical purposes such as the following:Blood transfusion
Adjustment of blood groups is an important requirement for donating blood or receiving blood transfusions.
Prevents transfusion complications
Not all blood types can match each other, so it's important to accept donors or donate blood according to your blood type. Receiving blood that is incompatible with your blood type can lead to blood clots and complications that can be fatal to the body. Symptoms of a blood type mismatch in the blood transfusion process are fever, chills, nausea, yellowish skin and eyes, chest, stomach or back pain, blood in the urine, and shortness of breath. Subsequent stages of complications due to improper transfusion can cause kidney failure, or even death.
Important for pregnant women
Blood type checks are also important for pregnant women and the fetus they contain. If the mother and fetus have blood groups with different rhesus, it will potentially harm the fetus.
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